Uncovering Your Worth: Your Guide to Self-love

Good morning beautiful Queens! What started as an inspiring post in my Facebook group landed me here because I found it so profoundly relevant that I was led to share it with all of you. This video may be an advertisement but it is really so much more, trust me there is a whole lesson in there so give it a watch <3

As a Boudoir Photographer this is so aligned with my mission of promoting self-love by helping women uncover (you'll notice that I did not say discover their worth, because your worth has been there all along, sometimes it just needs to be brought to light.) It doesn't matter what age, race, or size you are, please know that none of that matters, YOU ARE WORTH IT!

Here are 3 things to always remember:

1. Your worth is not tied to anyone or anything else. So many times we get caught up in our situation, that we automatically associate it with our worth. It doesn't matter whether you are married or single, have kids or no kids, have a job where you are recognized or one where even your best efforts are overlooked. 

It also doesn't matter how large your tribe is, a few friends or tons, or whether they include you in all of their adventures or not. Absolutely none of that is tied into your worth, your TRUE worth. You became worth it the moment that you entered this world. 

2. Be kind to yourself. To some of us this sounds like a given, I mean why wouldn't you be right? The truth is so many of us struggle with this one as we are our own worst critics. Maybe you think that being kind to yourself won't make a difference. If that is you than stay with me here, I want you to think about something for a minute. Who do you spend every second of your life with? Whose voice is it that you hear more than anyone else? Who is responsible for your thoughts? That's right think about it, the answer to all three of those questions YOU! 

You can't control how others treat you (what they think, say or do) but you can control how you treat yourself so I challenge you today to speak kinder to yourself, push negative thoughts away and replace them with some positive truths about yourself and treat yourself the way that you would treat the person who means the most to you, go ahead and spoil the hell out of yourself and know that you deserve it!

3. Learn to take a compliment. If someone takes the time to compliment you, listen to them. Others will see & appreciate your awesomeness even when you may have a hard time seeing it. Understand that there are so many good & interesting things about you, the same wonderful things that you see in others, they just may see in you!

Thanks for watching the video (if you didn't, go watch!) 

Now go out into the world and be AMAZING!



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